First we had livejournal, which some people used often, providing you with a constant stream of your friends' stream of consciousness. Personally I enjoyed livejournal and I thought it was a great way of communicating your thoughts, while keeping a very personal connection with people you knew. No pictures, no video, just pure rambling, sometimes long and boring factoids about your life.
Well, unsurprisingly the advent of Myspace took this model and "enhanced" it, or- I believe -ruined it. No more was it a purely text-based thing but now you had layouts and the famous 'myspace mirror picture' ( little known fact: an angel loses his wings every time you take those), bulletins, stupid interactive games, video, child molesters, pesky ads, and a whole plethora of other things to deal with. But the major problem was it eliminated a lot of what made livejournal personal and made having myspace friends you possibly don't know a greater possibility.
Facebook is a bit different but runs on the same concept right? I just like it because it's neat and organized, and from the beginning functioned on these network things that kept you at least in theory in your area code. Plus facebook brought bumper stickers and graffiti! Who doesn't love those? The status update was also a good invention, keeping you interested in your friends' mundane happenings. Also, I think notes are used more often in Facebook than in myspace, but of course they serve a different function than a diary like livejournal was. Right now I think facebook is the most "virtuous" option, even though I hate this "new" facebook. The makers of facebook are like unsatisfied women who always have to move furniture around every month at the expense of their husbands.
BUT TWITTER? (I had to go bold on you guys) Are serious? I know I said status updates are cool and all, but you can't run a service just on status updates! 140 characters?! What kind of brain-dead, ADD, simple people would sign up for this ? OH America. But this is not a chastisement of all of America, but of American media and politicians more precisely. What other institution (if it were an institution) better embodies American idiocy? It's a shame on the world stage to be caught up in such a gimmick.
Every major news network has a twitter, Fox and CNN (I don't know about MSNBC) both have shows in which they twitter WHILE doing it. It's a sad excuse for what they call being 'interactive'. " Well it's time for our twitter board ' babymama242 says: OBAMA shud pympp slap AIG' , " . You've certainly seen the type of misconstrued sentences, criminal typos and purely ignorant things that come up on these type of forums like Youtube, facebook discussion boards, and twitter. So they never should be used in any form as a journalistic element.
The media's job is to give news, not to interact. Stop twittering and go cover important stories on genocide, injustice, the president, whatever. I can name 100 things right off the top of my head right now that could be a better use of the media's time than devoting time to even mentioning twitter. So please. Stop it, you're not cool! Twitter isn't even cool!
Now for the politicians. All those congressmen/women twittering during the president's speech. And all of them have it too, it's ridiculous. Do you think that keeps you closer to your constituents? That they now know what disrespectful asshole you are going online to make your status update while the president talks? Thanks a lot, you're really caring about my interests. I just hate politicians, almost all of them. And this type of shit, though so stupid and small on the list of shit they do, really pisses me off. They're acting like celebrities, like Ashton Kutcher twittering a picture of his wife's ass. What's the difference? Very minimal in my book.
So just stop twittering. Stop it.
Israel is still killing 3 people per day in Gaza
4 hours ago
Funny, my dad of all people experimented with Twitter and just gave his verdict against it, too ("Twitter is silly").
ReplyDeleteI always thought twitter was pointless. The Kutcher vs CNN race was the straw that broke the camel's back.
ReplyDeleteAnything that you can say in less than 140 characters isn't worth reading.