I'm a lover of history, nothing excites me more than trivia and mostly useless historical facts. Did you know LBJ once gave an interview to a reporter while taking a shit? Great president. But history is far more useful than knowing about Taft getting stuck in a bathtub, it gives us insight to the future. The only reason we're at this point and stage of society is because 1 , 5, 10, 20 years ago something happened.It isn't something irrelevant, but perhaps it becomes more relevant every day. We humans tend to forget too easily. But we must remember where we came from, how we got here. So while perusing Youtube I found this gem. Notice how awkward Bush Senior was in answering this question. Kind of reminds me of the son. It was more than apparent he had no connection with the common man/woman. Bill Clinton was the Barack Obama of 1992. He was CHANGE. In fact, 1992 was like 2008, a recession year, Bush had just gotten out of a Gulf War, the economy was falling apart. And there is Bill Clinton, a womanizer but an exemplary ex-president. I also found the vice-presidential debate, which is also interesting just to see Dan Quale's amazing self.I find it funny how Al Gore made fun of him for comparing himself to JFK and then the idiot is stupid enough to say "Remember the last time someone did that? Remember what they said?" . LOL.
Also watch Clinton Kick Fox's ASS!
Switzerland deports EI’s Ali Abunimah
7 hours ago
I don't have very many flattering things to say about Dan Quayle, but he was strangely accurate when he spoke of an "international crisis" that would happen in the next four years and Bill Clinton's inability to adequately respond. Look at Rwanda.