Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So for a long time now I've blogged, ranted about several subjects throughout several mediums, mostly social networking sites. But never had I truly entered this spherical world of the blogosphere ( I assume it's spherical). I guess it's time now. Many people seem to enjoy my little snippets of thought, usually recklessly put together in a fit of emotion/inspiration with very little respect for the english language as I constantly have run on sentences, and, overuse, the privilege of the comma. But as the title states, CHANGE has come to the blogosphere. And not just any change, "FUNDAMENTAL change" as Obama puts it.

I'm not at this alone. I count on you readers to tell me when I'm wrong, blah, blah, blah (plagarize Obama's speech!)  And I've also summoned the help of a friend and a most worthy intellectual to help keep this blog diverse, interesting and frequent. We will disagree at times, and I find this useful.

So basically this will be about anything and everything from politics, philosophy, humor to whatever else tickles our fancy, revves our engines, blows our skirts up, shakes our tailfeathers and that generally incites interest.

Below are some really old posts on facebook that I particularly loved and thought would be appropriate here.

and many others concerning immigration laws, racism and media bias you might be interested in.


-Jonathan Rodrigues.

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