So today I was supposed to go to an immigrat rights protest downtown. Somehow it either didn't happen or I missed it completely, though I was there at the appropriate time. But I've been meaning to write this note and it's a very important one. Obama hasn't been much change in policy as far as immigrants are concerned. And the most frightening thing is he's continued with the ruthless policy of immigration raids.
Back in July he promised( to end it. Like a good politician, speaking in front of a raving latino crowd, he gave them what they wanted to hear: hope. But that isn't what has happened so far. Immigrant rights activists have been furious after raids have continued.
What is an immigration raid? In my state of Florida we have many random blitzes from the police, purposely near immigrant (mostly Brazilian in my region) businesses and neighborhoods. I didn't know this could even occur at the time and I was surprised how fast the news would carry through the community. My mom would always be like "oh so and so called me, told me she had to turn another way cause she saw a police blitz over on so so street". My mom doesn't need to care about them, she's legal now, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a heart. And everyone should have a heart in this case.
An illegal immigrant, driving just to feed his family, in a moment is now torn away from all that he built up. From his family, car, house, his whole life turned upside down. The police turns into the enemy, not the helping hand for immigrants. Immigration raids at workplaces and on the streets are purely unethical. Why deport someone who isn't breaking the law (outside from entering illegally). If they're producing members of a society, they shouldn't be uprooted so cruelly. Like i've said, immigrants don't come here to drive, they come to work and try to build on the American dream. The policy of the U.S. government however, only encourages criminal activity. Without supervision, in their state in the shadows, what incentive do they have to be lawful, to pay their taxes, etc? The aim is to assimilate illegals, not alienate them.
The author of this article ( is correct in many ways. Obama has sent mixed signals, purposely or otherwise on his intentions with immigrant rights. And he is correct that Mexico is being pathetic in complaining to the U.S. government. Mexico needs to become a state capable to function on its own. Ironically, it's so close to the most powerful nation in the world and yet it is so weak economically. Many of its south american neighbors put it to shame in that aspect. But we must help them in some way, while also giving them the responsibility for their citizens. I'm all for legalizing the immigrants here now, but we cannot have another 12 million illegals here 10 years from now because of Mexico or any other nation's excuses.
“Mama, boom! I hear it.”
18 hours ago